Sunday, April 13, 2014


What gives you strength? Is it a song? Or a phrase? God? How do you get through your day?

I love stories of strength. I love hearing how people live their lives. Is that nosy? Probably. We live in tough times, and giving each other strength makes a collective whole that is stronger and more ready to face this world we live in.

I've been obsessed with this song:

I love the idea of stepping out of your comfort zone and being ok with it. Whether you use God for that strength and comfort or not, the most exciting things in life don't come from within the confines of the box we keep ourselves comfortable in. The most exciting things in life come from knowing we are going outside the "norm" and making the most of this life that we have.

Top font Middle font Bottom font Ocean photo
Use this as your desktop, phone background, anywhere you need a reminder of strength.

Love your strength.